Tuesday, June 4, 2024

5 JUN 2024 HKL


[10:38, 05/06/2024] Azman HKL: MH13.  Inspection pipe connection to MH13. Consultant @+60 13-955 5501 @Kadapi J. PROMES  comment, please use the correct method and material. @HIDAYA KH office Num please rectify as per consultant comment.

[10:45, 05/06/2024] Azman HKL: Please use this Sikagrout 215. 🙏


[09:06, 05/06/2024] Azman HKL: @Azman HKL sy plan jalan plastering dr level 10,9,11,12,13 inform econmech, dcc, KH. Ok bro…

[09:08, 05/06/2024] +60 19-809 6068: Morning,  @Azman HKL minta tolong dulu ini. 2nd floor & 3rd floor str 6. Tq.
[09:08, 05/06/2024] Azman HKL: Tower A. Hotel. Take note ya. @~Leppong @HIDAYA KH office 

Num @~zee @~WY tolong take note ya. Wall plastering. Siapkan semua wall hack ikut itu turutan. 🙏
[09:09, 05/06/2024] Azman HKL: @~nas4rie ini hari ini expo gaya maw buka bah kan. Tolong ya. Ducting maw jalan 🙏.
[09:29, 05/06/2024] +60 10-941 8970: Iyeh diorang masuk Ni Hari susun dan Buka C channel support pipe concrete
[10:02, 05/06/2024] Azman HKL: Reminder. Today coordination meeting at site meeting room. 2pm. @EG MALL ECONMECH Dart @~ShawnChia @HIDAYA KH office Num @~YoonYK @~At Work
[11:15, 05/06/2024] Azman HKL: Please update site work progres% for client progress meeting for tomorrow Thursday. 6/6/24

[11:28, 05/06/2024] Azman HKL: Site progress photo.
21st floor. TA. Plinth casting in progress.

[11:28, 05/06/2024] Azman HKL: 3rd floor. Slab formwork in progress.

[11:28, 05/06/2024] Azman HKL: 7th floor. TA6. Slab rebar and M&E in progress.

[11:28, 05/06/2024] Azman HKL: 7th floor. TB4.

[11:30, 05/06/2024] Azman HKL: HDPE PN10 pipe excavation in prpgress

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  EGMALL NSC (23 SEPT 2024) [23/9/2024 9:24 AM] EG MALL Mr Lo: @HIDAYA KH office Num ft ya Sini thanks [23/9/2024 9:24 AM] EG MALL Mr Lo: ...