Friday, March 15, 2024

15 MAC 2024 HKL


[09:38, 15/03/2024] +60 12-559 6863: Unsafe with wall ties? Please elaborate
[09:38, 15/03/2024] +60 12-559 6863: @Jimmy HKL suruh Mazlan inspect dan simpan green tag situ
[09:40, 15/03/2024] Jimmy HKL: ok bos noted

[09:50, 15/03/2024] +60 12-559 6863: πŸ‘Œ
[09:51, 15/03/2024] +60 12-559 6863: Will get in repaired and reinspect for green tag
[09:51, 15/03/2024] +60 16-880 4632: πŸ‘
[09:52, 15/03/2024] +60 12-559 6863: @Jimmy HKL action cepat
[10:07, 15/03/2024] Jimmy HKL: ok bos
[10:11, 15/03/2024] Azman HKL: Joint inspection with LPG PIC on site at 2.30pm. @Kadapi J. PROMES please joint us. πŸ™

[14:20, 15/03/2024] +60 16-880 4632: Reminder...Not allow to hacking brick wall until completed bricklaying with base coat plastering...please take note..
[14:20, 15/03/2024] +60 16-880 4632: L8..hotel room
[14:32, 15/03/2024] Azman HKL: @~ShawnChia @~Leppong tolong atur ikut itu RA comment. πŸ‘†
[14:33, 15/03/2024] Azman HKL: After tatai, baru potong dia.

[15:30, 15/03/2024] Azman HKL: Joint inspection with NSC LPG personnel at site.


[08:02, 15/03/2024] Azman HKL: Morning. @~YoonYK Ini hari atur sampai jadi lifting lift motor. πŸ’ͺ
[08:02, 15/03/2024] +60 19-821 8251: Ya, sudah appoint dengan signal man kamu 8.30am

[09:16, 15/03/2024] Azman HKL: @EG MALL ECONMECH Dart @~WY kamu ada scaffolding sendiri? Ini pakai sda lama. Itu platform lama di atas rugi tiada orang pakai. HKL akan charge sewa.
[09:16, 15/03/2024] Azman HKL: Tolong take note ya semua site PIC.
[09:18, 15/03/2024] Azman HKL: Next time kalau, hal begini, tolong inform HKL. Bila start pakai dan estimate last pakai.
[09:18, 15/03/2024] +60 12-559 6863: @EG MALL ECONMECH Dart HKL akan bagi 1 bill rental kepada Econmech
[09:18, 15/03/2024] EG MALL ECONMECH Dart: Nanti kami buka la bos
[09:19, 15/03/2024] EG MALL ECONMECH Dart: Nextime phkl help up errecr scaffolding ya 🀝
[09:19, 15/03/2024] +60 12-559 6863: by NSC bukan HKL
[09:20, 15/03/2024] +60 12-559 6863: NSC perlu bawa scaffolding sendiri
[09:20, 15/03/2024] EG MALL ECONMECH Dart: Ok. But if higher hkl need erect for us. If 2 tingkat only we buy ourself
[09:21, 15/03/2024] +60 12-559 6863: refer back to your LA
[09:21, 15/03/2024] EG MALL ECONMECH Dart: Ok

[09:29, 15/03/2024] Azman HKL: Lift motor lifting to 15th floor in progress. @~YoonYK tolong atur dia ya. Kasi siap ni hari. πŸ’ͺ

[09:33, 15/03/2024] +60 19-821 8251: Ok πŸ‘Œ thanks.
[09:35, 15/03/2024] Mr. Voo: πŸ‘πŸ»

[09:39, 15/03/2024] +60 14-379 2990: @Azman HKL @~Roxas Ng (Kai) minta tolong  formwork. Level 3 str 5, Hosereel compartment..tq
[09:44, 15/03/2024] Azman HKL: @~nas4rie πŸ‘†tolong dulu. πŸ™πŸ™

[09:47, 15/03/2024] Azman HKL: Site progress photo.
17th floor. TA1. Column rebar and formwork in progress. TA2. Slab cast.

[09:47, 15/03/2024] Azman HKL: 3rd floor. TB6. Column rebar and lift wall formwork in progress.

[09:47, 15/03/2024] Azman HKL: 5th floor. TB4. Slab formwork in progress.
[09:48, 15/03/2024] Azman HKL: Ini casting plan target bsok ya. @~WY @~Leppong @HIDAYA KH office Num . Kami push itu slab kasi siap supaya M&E boleh masuk awal. πŸ™πŸ™
[09:59, 15/03/2024] +60 17-866 0355: ok boleh harini M&E boleh masuk ?@Azman HKL
[10:00, 15/03/2024] Azman HKL: Tunggu besi dulu.

[13:45, 15/03/2024] Azman HKL: RC wall formwork in progress. πŸ‘†

[15:30, 15/03/2024] Azman HKL: Joint inspection with LPG personnel at site.

[15:53, 15/03/2024] Azman HKL: Basement, fire tank installation in progress

[15:53, 15/03/2024] Azman HKL: Basement fire tank.
[15:59, 15/03/2024] +60 12-559 6863: @Azman HKL minta Econmech housekeeping tiap tiap hari sebelum dorang balik kerja ya
[16:02, 15/03/2024] Azman HKL: Iya bos. @~WY ini ya. Mesti housekeeping. πŸ™

[16:06, 15/03/2024] Azman HKL: 15th floor. Lift motor and Acc. Lifting done. πŸ‘Œ

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  EGMALL NSC (23 SEPT 2024) [23/9/2024 9:24 AM] EG MALL Mr Lo: @HIDAYA KH office Num ft ya Sini thanks [23/9/2024 9:24 AM] EG MALL Mr Lo: ...