Wednesday, March 6, 2024

07 MAC 2024 HKL


[09:45, 07/03/2024] +60 19-883 0884: Greetings,
pls add my site supvr:
Kumar 019-8711328

[09:45, 07/03/2024] Azman HKL: Site progress photo
16th floor. TA2. Slab ready for cast.

[09:45, 07/03/2024] Azman HKL: 17th floor. TA1. Slab formwork in progress.

[09:45, 07/03/2024] Azman HKL: 3rd floor. TB6. Slab formwork in progress.

[09:45, 07/03/2024] Azman HKL: 4th floor. TB6. Slab rebar and M&E in progress.
[09:51, 07/03/2024] Kadapi J. PROMES: Kawan lama ni😅
[09:53, 07/03/2024] +60 19-883 0884: 👍👍🙂

[10:49, 07/03/2024] +60 16-880 4632: @~Roxas Ng (Kai) 
Please rectify accordingly & call for inspection.
[10:51, 07/03/2024] +60 16-832 2597: Ok sir; will take back the old RFi to reinspect it
[11:09, 07/03/2024] Mr. Voo: Are u kidding ?

[11:12, 07/03/2024] +60 16-880 4632: Please check....
[11:13, 07/03/2024] Mr. Voo: No point to install another lintel below rc wall .. just fill it up only ..
[14:11, 07/03/2024] Edwin Chen 013: @Azman HKL, can we start the installation of the FRP tank at level 3? Any remaining works still pending at your side
[14:44, 07/03/2024] Azman HKL: 4th floor. TB4. Request for inspection at 3.00pm. @Kadapi J. PROMES . Site NSC PIC, please stand by the site during inspection. @~WY @HIDAYA KH office Num @~Leppong . 🙏🙏
[14:59, 07/03/2024] Azman HKL: Subcon will rectify today's comment from Archi. Tomorrow I will go check and inform you.
[15:02, 07/03/2024] +60 12-559 6863: @Edwin Chen 013 get your man to check the plinths level 1st, then move in your panels as not all plinths are affected

[17:56, 07/03/2024] +60 10-941 8970: Syapa punya kereta Ni yeh tolong pindah dulu
[18:27, 07/03/2024] +60 10-941 8970: Tolong info syapa owner Ni kereta
[18:29, 07/03/2024] +60 19-865 7090: Jap team sy
[18:30, 07/03/2024] +60 10-941 8970: Ok tuan thankyou
[18:30, 07/03/2024] +60 19-865 7090: 🙏🏿sdh info sorry2 🙏🏿
[20:20, 07/03/2024] +60 12-559 6863: @~Johnny @Kadapi J. PROMES @~Jacksonsinti we inspect 3F onwards tomorrow morning 9am ok?
[21:37, 07/03/2024] +60 16-880 4632: 👌


[09:14, 07/03/2024] Azman HKL: Site progress photo
16th floor. TA2. Slab ready for cast.

[09:14, 07/03/2024] Azman HKL: 17th floor. TA1. Slab formwork in progress.

[09:14, 07/03/2024] Azman HKL: 3rd floor. TB6. Slab formwork in progress.

[09:30, 07/03/2024] Azman HKL: 4th floor. TB6. Slab rebar and M&E in progress.

[09:37, 07/03/2024] Azman HKL: This part have to conceal all togerher
[09:38, 07/03/2024] Azman HKL: @HIDAYA KH office Num consultant comment. Please rectify ASAP..
[09:46, 07/03/2024] HIDAYA KH office Num: will check and rectify. tq

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  EGMALL NSC (23 SEPT 2024) [23/9/2024 9:24 AM] EG MALL Mr Lo: @HIDAYA KH office Num ft ya Sini thanks [23/9/2024 9:24 AM] EG MALL Mr Lo: ...