Tuesday, January 30, 2024

31 JAN 2024 HKL


[10:25, 31/01/2024] +60 16-880 4632: Housekeeping anybody take care...Ramp.

[10:46, 31/01/2024] +60 16-880 4632: Formwork to remove..behind bomba lift.ST09
[14:24, 31/01/2024] Azman HKL: 14th floor. TA1. Request for inspection for M&E services at 3pm.. @Kadapi J. PROMES . PIC please stanby during inspection on site.
[14:33, 31/01/2024] Kadapi J. PROMES: Ada changes layout d toilet area. Bukan sikit. Layout tandas ubah sudah owh.
[14:37, 31/01/2024] Azman HKL: 14th floor? Office bos? Kalau 14th floor. Belum sampai tu toilet area. @HIDAYA KH office Num @King Hong Office tolong cek followup drawing.


[08:05, 31/01/2024] Azman HKL: @Azman HKL @~Roxas Ng (Kai) tolong KSI pinda ini barang. Sya mau naik pasir di level 7 SMA 8...
[08:06, 31/01/2024] HIDAYA KH office Num: yaa. mau atur naik juga tu pagi ni
[08:07, 31/01/2024] Azman HKL: Okay tolong atur dia ya ni pagi. πŸ™

[08:30, 31/01/2024] HIDAYA KH office Num: morning. The container was collected just now. @Jimmy HKL boleh suda tutup balik barricade bossku. πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ
[08:35, 31/01/2024] Jimmy HKL: okay org saya disana standby untuk tutup πŸ‘πŸ»
[08:36, 31/01/2024] HIDAYA KH office Num: tqtq

[08:47, 31/01/2024] Azman HKL: Clearing in progress..

[08:55, 31/01/2024] Azman HKL: Duct height 2.4m..

[09:34, 31/01/2024] Azman HKL: Itu bucket nanti petang akan pindah keluar..
[09:35, 31/01/2024] Azman HKL: @~ShawnChia @~Leppong . Tolong cek ya. Mana lagi perlu.. tapi kalau kecil2 tu minta tolong kamu kasi clear saja nanti. πŸ™ .
[09:36, 31/01/2024] +60 17-866 0355: Ok man

[09:36, 31/01/2024] Azman HKL: Ini barricade, bsok pagi baru clear. Ini untuk keselamatan supaya tiada org jatuh bawah.
[09:38, 31/01/2024] Jimmy HKL: betul lori kren sampai baru saya buka mana yg menganggu tmpt kerja saja
[09:38, 31/01/2024] Jimmy HKL: @~.Fazli jgn lupa isi PTW for lifting works.

[10:05, 31/01/2024] +60 12-559 6863: 12TH floor zone TA/2 - dismantle shoring and formwork works
[10:05, 31/01/2024] +60 12-559 6863: @HIDAYA KH office Num so many unwanted pipe sleeves?

[10:06, 31/01/2024] Azman HKL: Site photo progress.
14th floor. TA1. Slab rebar and M&E in progress.

[10:06, 31/01/2024] Azman HKL: 5th floor. Ramp7. Formwork in progress.

[10:06, 31/01/2024] Azman HKL: Ground floor, TB6. Retaining wall in progress.
[10:06, 31/01/2024] HIDAYA KH office Num: will check after this bos

[12:05, 31/01/2024] Azman HKL: 3rd floor. Water tank. RNC water proof in progress. And will do a ponding test by this week.
[12:11, 31/01/2024] Edwin Chen 013: Would br grateful if you could speed up the process so we can start our work soon.
[12:19, 31/01/2024] Azman HKL: Yeah. The progress is not as in the plan. @~Roxas Ng (Kai) we need to push more subcon and coordinate with them. Water proof, plinth leveling, floor screeding and painting. πŸ™
[12:20, 31/01/2024] +60 16-832 2597: We are rushing it for ya, sorry for the slow progress πŸ™πŸ»
[12:30, 31/01/2024] +60 16-526 1788: What’s the reason of those works in slow?
[12:39, 31/01/2024] +60 16-832 2597: It was due to the preparation of the slabs for the waterproofing handing over was not fit for them to work, so further remedy works was undergo again to meet the requirement..
[12:40, 31/01/2024] +60 16-832 2597: Currently they are going to apply the 1st coat soon as the preparation works for waterproofing is done
[13:08, 31/01/2024] +60 16-526 1788: Please follow up closely,, no reason for anyone to have sweet time like in cinema
[13:08, 31/01/2024] +60 16-526 1788: Thanks
[13:09, 31/01/2024] +60 16-832 2597: Noted sir 🫑

[16:18, 31/01/2024] HIDAYA KH office Num: @Azman HKL minta clear ni besok. kami limpas scaffolding sini untuk pipe installation. ground floor

[16:25, 31/01/2024] HIDAYA KH office Num: sini pun minta alihkan juga. ada pipe mau sambung suda sini
[16:27, 31/01/2024] Azman HKL: Sini bagi masa. Bsok mungkin tdk dapat. Cuba buat tempat lain dulu. Saya bincang sama Tukang bata dulu.
[16:27, 31/01/2024] HIDAYA KH office Num: okay tqtq πŸ™πŸΌ
[16:28, 31/01/2024] Azman HKL: Ini storage mitsubishi. Saya bincang dulu mereka.

[16:31, 31/01/2024] Azman HKL: Done M&E inspection 14th floor. @Mr. Voo please proceed..πŸ‘Œ
[16:33, 31/01/2024] Mr. Voo: Ok
[16:34, 31/01/2024] +60 19-821 8251: Bagi saya check itu berat barang saya dulu, esok tidak dapat kerana mahu check dulu and bincang tidak pasti dapat alih kah atau tidak kerana barang berat. Thanks. πŸ™
[16:35, 31/01/2024] HIDAYA KH office Num: okay yoon. nanti check dulu la. tqtq
[16:35, 31/01/2024] +60 12-559 6863: just shift out away from the brick wall
[16:35, 31/01/2024] +60 19-821 8251: Will look into it.

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  EGMALL NSC (23 SEPT 2024) [23/9/2024 9:24 AM] EG MALL Mr Lo: @HIDAYA KH office Num ft ya Sini thanks [23/9/2024 9:24 AM] EG MALL Mr Lo: ...