Monday, January 22, 2024

22 JAN 2024 HKL


[15:01, 22/01/2024] Azman HKL: Ground floor. TB6. Request for inspection of M&E services at 4pm. @Kadapi J. PROMES . Site PIC please stand by during inspection. TQ. 🙏


[08:39, 22/01/2024] Azman HKL: Site progress photo. 
13th floor. TA1. Slab rebar in progress.

[08:39, 22/01/2024] Azman HKL: 13th floor. TA2. Slab support scaffolding work in progress.

[08:39, 22/01/2024] Azman HKL: 4th floor. Ramp 6 and 5th floor. Z7. Slab cast.

[08:43, 22/01/2024] Azman HKL: Ground floor. TB6. Slab rebar and M&E in progress.

[09:31, 22/01/2024] Azman HKL: @~Leppong tolong cek nanti ya ini pipe sleeve. Air ada masuk dari sini. Tolong cek dan minta tutup.
[09:58, 22/01/2024] Azman HKL: Sila maklum, TC 1 hari ini pasang tie back dan collar.

[10:01, 22/01/2024] Azman HKL: @~WY tolong kejar ya. Semua itu SPD duct. Tukang bata maw kejar ini brickwall riser. Pastikan request inspection dan approve konsultan sebelum tukang bata tutup.

[10:19, 22/01/2024] Azman HKL: 3rd floor. Watertank. @~Roxas Ng (Kai) tolong saya kejar ya waterproofing? Arkitek masih maw test slab leaking test sebelum waterproofing?
[10:28, 22/01/2024] +60 12-559 6863: just do ponding test after waterproofing, no need structure ponding test

[11:25, 22/01/2024] Azman HKL: Ground floor. TB6. @~WY sini kamu ada servis maw pasang? Kalau ada tolong atur ya. Target cast ini hari petang. 👆
[11:30, 22/01/2024] +60 14-379 2990: Okay man..

[13:44, 22/01/2024] Azman HKL: 13th floor. TA1. Casting plan by tomorrow. 23/1/24. M&E needs a lot to catch up on. At least 6-7 units to catch up by today. Extra effort here.. @~Leppong @~WY @HIDAYA KH office Num . 🙏🙏🙏]

[16:10, 22/01/2024] Azman HKL: Ground floor. TB6. M&E inspection in progress.

[16:36, 22/01/2024] Azman HKL: Plumbing services inspection..

[16:38, 22/01/2024] Azman HKL: ACMV & FP inspection.

[16:42, 22/01/2024] Azman HKL: Electrical & ELV..

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