Saturday, January 6, 2024

6 JAN 2024 HKL

[09:44, 06/01/2024] Kadapi J. PROMES: @60128433889  Don't forget our lightning and earth cable at this area.
[10:44, 06/01/2024] +60 17-866 0355: Ok bos
[20:25, 06/01/2024] Kadapi J. PROMES: Basement zone 11-1, rebar works
[20:26, 06/01/2024] Kadapi J. PROMES: Eddy, Earthing?
[20:27, 06/01/2024] +60 17-866 0355: Ok bos


[10:07, 06/01/2024] HIDAYA KH office Num: morning. @Azman HKL  request to clear by this afternoon, so that we can start pipe sleeves installation

[14:59, 06/01/2024] Edwin Chen 013: Not clear. Why finish half way?
[15:05, 06/01/2024] +60 12-559 6863: do half 1st
[15:14, 06/01/2024] +60 12-559 6863: pending TC1 readiness, still connecting cable for power supply
[15:22, 06/01/2024] Edwin Chen 013: Noted.
[15:22, 06/01/2024] +60 12-559 6863: once TC ready then these materials will be removed

[15:24, 06/01/2024] +60 12-559 6863: 👍
[15:33, 06/01/2024] Edwin Chen 013: We would greatly appreciate it if you could consistently clear the entire area to avoid  any remaining tasks till the next day. This proactive approach will contribute to the efficiency of the entire team, facilitating quicker project completion. Thank you
[15:34, 06/01/2024] +60 12-559 6863: 💪
[15:34, 06/01/2024] +60 12-559 6863: we all work as a team Edwin
[15:39, 06/01/2024] HIDAYA KH office Num: room 11&12

[15:39, 06/01/2024] HIDAYA KH office Num: room 13&14

[15:39, 06/01/2024] HIDAYA KH office Num: room 15&16

[15:39, 06/01/2024] HIDAYA KH office Num: room 17&18

[15:39, 06/01/2024] HIDAYA KH office Num: pending room 19&20

[15:39, 06/01/2024] HIDAYA KH office Num: room 21&22

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  EGMALL NSC (23 SEPT 2024) [23/9/2024 9:24 AM] EG MALL Mr Lo: @HIDAYA KH office Num ft ya Sini thanks [23/9/2024 9:24 AM] EG MALL Mr Lo: ...